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  1. Do you drag yourself out of bed each morning wondering why you feel so tired, sick, worn out, exhausted, etc?5 Warning Signs You Might be Living in Denial |
  2. Do you find yourself with a daily headache, stomach ache, afternoon crash or other ‘issue’ that you need to pop a pill for?
  3. Do you find yourself (or your child) experiencing ‘mood’ swings or other similar behavior problems?
  4. Do you go for days without having a bowel movement and then once you do, you go for days with the ‘opposite’ problem?
  5. Do you drag your exhausted self to bed each night but can’t fall or asleep or fall asleep only to awaken a few short hours later?


These issues (and more) could all be related to your diet.

Recently I had a conversation with a new friend.  She was telling me how awful she feels all of the time. How she wakes up exhausted, is sick each day, has horrible mood swings, needs to take several over-the-counter-medications and goes to bed wiped out each night only to wake up a few hours later.

I tried to (gently) tell her that perhaps taking a look at what she is eating might help with some of her issues. She said “Oh, I know that I eat horribly. But I have no plans to change it”.  I thought maybe she misunderstood what I was trying to say so mentioned a mutual friend we have who is a huge proponent of traditional food.

This friend has had excellent results by changing his diet. I suggested maybe she borrow his Nourishing Traditions book (that’s an affiliate link and other affiliate links may be in this post). Her response floored me. She had read something in there that she didn’t agree with (one thing according to her) so she had determined the entire book was flawed and not worth following.


I have to admit, I didn’t have a response just then. However, I certainly thought of plenty of things to say on my drive home!

I have read a good many wonderful books that I don’t agree with every word printed.  As much as I love Nourishing Traditions, I don’t agree with every single word in there either. But throwing away a book based on sound principles because of not agreeing on one or two points is like throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

Before I go on, I want to make something clear.  I am 100% in favor of free will and personal choices.

I want to share what I believe to be the truth without cramming it down someone’s throat. Heck, if I don’t want the government to tell me what foods I can eat, why would I think it is okay for me to tell someone else to the same to someone else? And then there is that denial thing…

If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired but not willing to begin to make changes to feel better, then you certainly might be living in denial.

If the things you have been doing -following the pyramid or new plate, low fat, low carb, vegetarian or even real foods- aren’t working then perhaps you need to re-evaluate.

5 Warning Signs You Might be Living in Denial | HomespunOasis.comI would love to tell you that I have been the picture of health since starting this real/whole/traditional foods diet several years ago but that would not be the truth.  I am certainly much better than I was but I am not 100%.  Years and years of a Standard American Diet (SAD) can take its toll. I’ve mentioned that my family came into this diet not to cure health issues (I didn’t understand then, that food could cure health issues– I thought that was what pills were for :() but because the idea of eating food closer to the way God designed them made sense to us.  Discovering that we were feeling better was a bonus!

Now that I better understand the correlation between the gut and our overall health, I’m on a mission to continue to improve not just my health and my families health but also to share this information with the world. 🙂 Yes, there will be people that continue to live in denial and do the same things they have been doing with the same results. That is human nature.

Are you ready to get off of the illness roller coaster and start on a journey toward better health?  The Weston A. Price Foundation has these terrific guidelines from their Principles of Healthy Diets.  Start with one or two and move on from there.

Dietary Guidelines

  1. Eat whole, unprocessed foods.
  2. Eat beef, lamb, game, organ meats, poultry and eggs from pasture-fed animals.5 Warning Signs You Might be Living in Denial |
  3. Eat wild fish (not farm-raised) and shellfish from unpolluted waters.
  4. Eat full-fat milk products from pasture-fed cows, preferably raw and/or fermented, such as raw milk, whole yogurt, kefir, cultured butter, whole raw cheeses and fresh and sour cream. (Imported cheeses that say “milk” or “fresh milk” on the label are raw.)
  5. Use animal fats, especially butter, liberally.
  6. Use traditional vegetable oils only–extra virgin olive oil, expeller-expressed sesame oil, small amounts of expeller-expressed flax oil, and the tropical oils–coconut oil, palm oil and palm kernel oil.
  7. Take cod liver oil regularly to provide at least 10,000 IU vitamin A and 1,000 IU vitamin D per day.
  8. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables–preferably organic–in salads and soups, or lightly steamed with butter.
  9. Use whole grains, legumes and nuts that have been prepared by soaking, sprouting or sour leavening to neutralize phytic acid, enzyme inhibitors and other anti-nutrients.
  10. Include enzyme-enhanced lacto-fermented vegetables, fruits, beverages and condiments in your diet on a regular basis. (Note from Millie: Consider taking the Lacto-Fermentation eCourse  and check out Cultures for Health for cultures and starters)
  11. Prepare homemade meat stocks from the bones of chicken, beef, lamb and fish and use liberally in soups, stews, gravies and sauces.
  12. Use filtered water for cooking and drinking.
  13. Use unrefined salt and a variety of herbs and spices for food interest and appetite stimulation.
  14. Make your own salad dressing using raw vinegar, extra virgin olive oil and a small amount of expeller-expressed flax oil.
  15. Use natural sweeteners in moderation, such as raw honey, maple syrup, maple sugar, date sugar, dehydrated cane sugar juice (sold as Rapadura) and stevia powder.
  16. Use only unpasteurized wine or beer in strict moderation with meals.
  17. Cook only in stainless steel, cast iron, glass or good quality enamel.
  18. Use only natural, food-based supplements.
  19. Get plenty of sleep, exercise and natural light.
  20. Think positive thoughts and practice forgiveness.


Dietary Dangers

  1. Do not eat commercially processed foods such as cookies, cakes, crackers, TV dinners, soft drinks, packaged sauce mixes, etc. Read labels!
  2. Avoid all refined sweeteners such as sugar, dextrose, glucose, high fructose corn syrup and fruit juices.5 Warning Signs You Might be Living in Denial |
  3. Avoid white flour, white flour products and white rice.
  4. Avoid all hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats and oils.
  5. Avoid all refined liquid vegetable oils made from soy, corn, safflower, canola or cottonseed.
  6. Do not use polyunsaturated oils for cooking, sauteing or baking.
  7. Avoid foods fried in polyunsaturated oils or partially hydrogenated vegetable oils.
  8. Do not practice veganism. Animal products provide vital nutrients not found in plant foods.
  9. Avoid products containing protein powders as they usually contain carcinogens formed during processing; and consumption of protein without the cofactors occurring in nature can lead to deficiencies, especially of vitamin A.
  10. Avoid processed, pasteurized milk; do not consume ultrapasteurized milk products, lowfat milk, skim milk, powdered milk or imitation milk products.
  11. Avoid factory-farmed eggs, meats and fish.
  12. Avoid highly processed luncheon meats and sausage.
  13. Avoid rancid and improperly prepared seeds, nuts and grains found in granolas, quick rise breads and extruded breakfast cereals, as they block mineral absorption and cause intestinal distress.
  14. Avoid canned, sprayed, waxed and irradiated fruits and vegetables. Avoid genetically modified foods (found in most soy, canola and corn products).
  15. Avoid artificial food additives, especially MSG, hydrolyzed vegetable protein and aspartame, which are neurotoxins. Most soups, sauce and broth mixes and most commercial condiments contain MSG, even if not indicated on the label.
  16. Individuals sensitive to caffeine and related substances should avoid coffee, tea and chocolate.
  17. Avoid aluminum-containing foods such as commercial salt, baking powder and antacids. Do not use aluminum cookware or deodorants containing aluminum.
  18. Do not drink fluoridated water.
  19. Avoid synthetic vitamins and foods containing them.
  20. Avoid distilled liquors.
  21. Do not use a microwave oven.



Earlier I mentioned that if what you are doing isn’t working for you then perhaps it is time to re-evaluate. I mentioned that it’s possible that real food may not be giving you the results you need.  If that’s the case maybe it is time to look at something a little more restricted. Perhaps the GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride) diet or something similar might give you the healing that you need.

A few different time I’ve done GAPS. This has been a huge help in giving my system a reset and putting me back on the right path.  The truth is, I’d probably benefit from a longer course of full GAPS but perhaps I live in a bit of denial myself…


How good are you at sharing your personal beliefs with others? Do you go out of your way to share or do you stay mum? What do you do when you meet opposition?


I’m a mom

I think the end of this post is a good time to remind you that I am just a mom not a doctor or health care professional. I share this with you for informational purposes only. You should do your own research and come to your own conclusions for your healthcare along with consulting a qualified health care provider. The 5 things I mentioned above could be related to your diet or something else, I’m not a doctor so am not pretending to diagnose.  I share from my experience and research only.




Want to learn more about traditional cooking? Check out the Fundamentals eBook from my affiliate partner Traditional Cooking School!

This post contains affiliate links. Thank you for supporting Homespun Oasis with your purchases.  Millie Copper of Homespun Oasis is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking

Photos: Pill Bottle, Cereal, all other photos are mine.

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